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Fabulous Fame and Scrumptious Smoothies

OMG! Yesterday was AMAZING! Mr. Arant's friend, Mr. Eric Garcia, came out yesterday. He and his brother started a side company called Garcia Bros Films: Mr. Arant had asked him to come film us for a commercial and post it on social media. It was so much fun! We had a regular day with pizzazz. He filmed us reading, doing geometry, playing chess, coding a game, and more. We made him a thank you book with post-it notes in it from everyone in class. When he left, the class made delicious, healthy snacks for science class. My group made an amazing smoothie with..... in it 😁. The ingredients we included in our smoothie helped with bone strength, Vitamin C, and it also had natural sugars. Well, that's all for now. C-ya next time on Audrey's Adventures! (And make sure to keep an eye out for our new commercial online!)

Smoothie Crew!

Takin' Notes Dude!

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