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Teacher Pay Raise!

Hey guys! Yesterday was a very eventful day. My class traveled all the way from Bixby to the capitol in Oklahoma City and back. Don't worry, we had a purpose for traveling there. We were there to try and persuade our representatives to vote yes on the House Bill 1033. If they did, teachers would get a pay raise! Unfortunately, this bill did not pass. My class represented former teachers by holding up signs with their names on them. We also met with our representatives asking what they would vote and why they thought they should vote yes/no. If they were planning on voting no, we tried persuading them to switch sides and look at it using a different perspective. We told them that if they voted yes, it would leave a positive impact in our schools and lead students to a brighter and more successful future. If we have great teachers, then we have students ending up in a happy life and making a difference in our world. Hopefully next time a bill comes along for teacher pay raise, we can meet with our representatives a couple of weeks earlier, before they make their decision, and persuade them to vote yes. If you have any ideas to help our teachers or schools, put them into action! Tell the world and make a difference in our community. That's all for now, see at next time on Audrey's Adventures!

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